Sunday, June 5, 2011

Are we the real Gods?

I was about to start doing some work with god/desses in magick, and the first question I had for myself is: what god/desses do I believe in?  An interesting answer came to the surface.  All of them.  If that which is created in the astral must eventually exist in the physical--a fairly basic "rule" in magick--then they ALL must exist.

So then that made me think, if that which is created in the astral must eventually exist in the physical, then who are the real god/desses?  Them or us?  The only way to really know would be to know whether or not they existed before us, and I think this is one of those, what came first: the chicken or the egg? kinds of philosophical questions.  Completely unanswerable, unless dinosaurs were writing about god/desses and we haven't discovered their secret writings yet.

Interesting to ponder, nonetheless.

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